africa stars
African STARS Fellowship Programme

Africa has the fastest-growing young population in the world, projected to make up nearly half of the global youth by 2100. Currently, young Africans have limited formal employment opportunities. 

To address this urgent challenge, we must focus on building capacity and cultivating the next generation of young leaders in Africa who are well-prepared for employment, employ more Africans, and capable of addressing emerging and reemerging health crises.

African STARS Fellowship Programme , seeks to meet this need by enhancing African expertise in genomics, diagnostics and vaccine design, while also working to retain skilled professionals in the sector. 
Initially funded by a generous award from the Mastercard Foundation. The program vision is to expand employment opportunities for African youth, especially young African women in closely aligned with Mastercard Foundation objectives. This programme is also aligned with the Saving Lives and Livelihoods (SLL) Phase II initiative to strengthen the continent’s health workforce in preparation to respond to future epidemics.
As two of the most developed research and innovation centers in Africa, Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) at Stellenbosch University and Institute Pasteur of Dakar (IPD) are committed to mentoring the next generation of scientists to help make Africa more resilient and prosperous.
Prof Tulio de Oliveira and Prof Amadou Sall
4-6 months and will focus on intense training on advanced genomics for public health analysis, genomic diagnostic design, and/or aspects around vaccine manufacturing
12 months of training focused on biotechnology innovation and entrepreneurship and includes placement at commercial companies, industry or innovation hubs
2 years and is aimed at Health Care Leadership (MBA HCL) for professionals who want to understand the principles of governance and health care challenges
2 years and aims to produce MSc graduates equipped with bioinformatics and research skills to position them as future innovators and leaders in infectious disease research










Start your FELLOWSHIP journey!

The overarching goal of the African STARS Fellowship Programme is to create jobs and nurture and develop the next generation of high calibre scientists, policy makers and health care leaders in Africa. To realize this goal, we will work with researchers, innovators, policymakers and healthcare leaders based in Africa through career development opportunities and hands-on training placements with commercial, industrial and innovation hubs.

Mastercard Foundation’s vision to expand employment opportunities for African youth, African scientists with advanced degrees qualification, and the Saving Lives and Livelihoods Iinitiative to strengthen the continent’s health workforce in preparation for future epidemics
Dr. Solomon Zedwu, Mastercard Foundation
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