1. المعلومات العامة

س: ما هو برنامج زمالة African STARS؟

ج: برنامج زمالة African STARS هو مبادرة تدريبية يقودها مركز الاستجابة الوبائية والابتكار (CERI) بجامعة ستيلينبوش ومعهد باستور في داكار (IPD). يهدف إلى تطوير الخبرة الأفريقية في علم الجينوم والتشخيص وتصميم اللقاحات، مع توسيع فرص العمل للعلماء الشباب في أفريقيا.

س: من المؤهل للتقديم على الزمالة؟

ج: يجب أن يكون المتقدمون مواطنين أفارقة و/أو مقيمين في أفريقيا، وأن يكون عمرهم 35 عامًا أو أقل عند بدء الزمالة، وأن يكون لديهم خلفية في علم الجينوم أو التشخيص أو تصميم اللقاحات أو الاقتصاد أو التكنولوجيا الحيوية. يجب أن يكون لديهم على الأقل درجة البكالوريوس، ولكن قد يكون الحصول على درجة الماجستير (MSc) أو الدكتوراه (PhD) ميزة إضافية.

س: كم عدد الزملاء الذين سيتم اختيارهم للمجموعة الأولى التي ستبدأ في عام 2025؟

ج: سيدعم برنامج زمالة African STARS ما مجموعه حوالي 130 فردًا. ستشمل المجموعة الأولى، التي ستبدأ في عام 2025، 40 زميلًا: 20 في زمالة التدريب المتقدم والترجمي (ATT) و20 في زمالة برنامج المهنيين الشباب (YPP). 40 fellows: 20 in the Advanced and Translational Training (ATT) Fellowship and 20 in the Young Professional Programme (YPP) Fellowship.

Q: Who is funding the training?

A: The fellowships for this training are supported by the Mastercard Foundation.


Q: How do I apply for the fellowship?

A: Applicants must complete the official online application form and submit all required documents (CV and recommendation letter). No e-mailed or hard copy applications will be considered.

Q: What is the application deadline?

A: The deadline for applications is at the end of the day on 31 March 2025 (00h00 GMT). Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Q: What supporting documents do I need to submit?

A: You need to provide:

  • A Curriculum Vitae (CV) (Please use the CV template provided)
  • A letter of recommendation (academic/professional referee)
  • For YPP fellowships, you will also be required to upload a brief video to pitch a novel research / project idea
  • If selected for the Fellowship, you will be required to provide a certified copy of your qualifications.
  • If selected for the degree programmes (MSc or MBA) you will be required to have your qualifications evaluated by SAQA (See Foreign Qualification evaluation section).

Q: What to do if you have difficulties attaching files to the google form?

A: Should you experience difficulties in uploading attachments, please try one of the solutions suggested in this blog” and the link for the blog is: https://www.exabytes.sg/blog/how-to-fix-google-forms-file-upload-failed/.

Q: To whom should the letter of recommendation be addressed?

A: Please address the letter of recommendation to the African STARS Fellowship Programme Selection Committee.

Q: Who needs to sign the letter of recommendation?

A: The letter of recommendation should be written by your supervisor, line manager or head of department.

Q: What should the letter of recommendation contain?

A: The letter of recommendation should highlight what benefits the training will provide to you as an individual. If you are selected for the fellowship, we may also require a letter from your employer / supervisor confirming they support your absence from work / studies.

Q: When will candidates be notified about their application?

A: The closing date for applications is 31 March 2025. No late applications will be accepted. All applications will be scored and the highest ranking applications will be shortlisted. The successful candidates will be notified within 2 months after the closing date.

Q: Is there an application fee required?

A: There is no fee associated with the application for the Fellowship.

Q: Can I apply even if I am currently enrolled in a university?

A: Yes. You can apply for the Fellowship but should get the permission from your supervisor and institution to participate in the Fellowship programme.

Q: Can I apply if I have dual citizenship?

A: Candidates with dual citizenship can apply. However, preference will be given to candidates who are born in and / or resident in Africa and have a strong commitment to remain in Africa.


Q: What is the difference between the ATT and YPP Fellowships?


  • Advanced and Translational Training (ATT) Fellowship (4-6 months): Focuses on advanced genomics for public health analysis, genomic diagnostic design, and vaccine manufacturing.
  • Young Professional Programme (YPP) Fellowship (12 months): Focuses on biotechnology innovation and entrepreneurship, with industry placements.

Q: Where will the training take place?

A: This is an in-person training and trainees will be expected to commit to the full training period. The training will take place at either:

  • Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI), Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
  • Institut Pasteur de Dakar (Senegal)

Fellows may indicate their preferred training site in the application.

Fellows participating in the YPP Fellowship will also spend part of their fellowship with an industry or company.

Q: What will I do during the Fellowship?

A: Fellow will engage with a structured curriculum for the duration of their Fellowship.

Q: Is the Fellowship part-time or full-time?

A: The ATT fellowship is 4-6 months, the YPP Fellowship is 12 months and the MSc and MBA fellowships are 2 years. The ATT, YPP and MSc fellowships will be full time. The MBA is a part-time course.

Q: Are there networking opportunities during the Fellowship?

A: Yes. Fellows will join the African STARS Alumni Network, gain access to career development opportunities, and receive ongoing mentorship and support in their professional journey. They are encouraged to contribute to scientific leadership and epidemic response efforts in their home countries. Fellows participating in the YPP Fellowships will also have networking opportunities with industry partners.

Q: When am I expected to start the Fellowship?

A: The ATT and YPP fellowships will start in July-August. There will be two intakes, one in 2025 and one in 2026. The MSc and MBA Fellowships will start in the first quarter of 2026 and the duration of those degrees is 2 years.

Q: What language will the training be conducted in?

A: The training will be offered in English or French. Applicants should indicate their language preference in the application form. The fellowships taken in South Africa will be offered in English only.


Q: Why do I need to have my foreign qualifications evaluated for the MBA and MSc fellowships?

A: South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluation is required to ensure that your foreign qualifications are recognised in South Africa for employment, further studies, or professional registration.

Q: Who needs to apply for SAQA evaluation?

A: Only candidates accepted for the MBA and/or MSc degree programmes at Stellenbosch University will need to apply for SAQA evaluation.

Q: How long does the SAQA evaluation process take?

A: The process typically takes 4-6 weeks, but it can vary depending on the complexity of the qualification and the completeness of your application.

Q: How much does it cost to apply for SAQA evaluation?

A: The fee varies depending on the type of evaluation. As of 2025, the cost is approximately R668 for a standard evaluation of a tertiary record. Please consult the SAQA website for current fees https://www.saqa.org.za/services/evaluation-of-foreign-qualifications/

Q: What documents are required for SAQA evaluation?

A: You typically need:

  • Certified copies of your qualifications (certificates, diplomas, degrees)
  • Academic transcripts
  • A certified copy of your ID or passport
  • A completed application form
  • Proof of payment for the evaluation fee.

Q: Can I apply for SAQA evaluation if I am not in South Africa?

A: Yes, you can apply from abroad. SAQA accepts online applications, and you can upload certified copies of your documents.

Q: What happens if my qualifications are not recognised by SAQA?

A: SAQA will inform you if your qualification does not meet South African standards. You may need to provide additional documentation or pursue further studies to meet the requirements.

Q: Do I need to apply for SAQA if I am applying to the ATT or YPP Fellowship?

A: No, you do not need to apply for SAQA if you are applying to the Advanced Translational Training (ATT) or Young Professionals Program (YPP) fellowships.


Q: Does the fellowship cover travel and accommodation costs?

A: Yes, selected fellows will receive full funding, which includes travel (i.e., return economy ticket from your country of residence in Africa), accommodation, and a stipend to support living expenses during the training period.

Q: Is there any financial support for visa applications?

A: Yes, the programme provides support for visa applications for selected fellows. A letter of invitation will be provided to facilitate the visa application. Fellows will be responsible for applying for and paying for the visa in their home country. Expenses for the visa application will be reimbursed, provided valid receipts are provided. Please note that only the cost of the application will be covered. Travel expenses to reach to the visa offices will not be reimbursed.

Q: Will I need health insurance during the Fellowship and is it also covered?

A: All Fellows will be provided with medical insurance for the duration of the Fellowship and will be assisted in applying for the insurance cover before their Fellowship commences.

Q: Does the Fellowship include childcare support?

A: No family care support will be provided for the ATT and YPP Fellowships. However, for the longer-term Fellowships (MBA and MSc), some support may be provided for childcare. Requests for childcare support will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Q: Do I need to bring my own laptop or equipment?

It is advisable to bring your own laptop. The long-term Fellowships (>12 months) will be provided with a laptop, if needed.

Q: Can I extend my fellowship if I need more time to complete my MBA or MSc project?

The projects should be completed within the fellowship. Under exceptional circumstances, an extension may be possible but would also need to comply with Stellenbosch University rules and regulations for degree training.


Q: Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the fellowship?

A: Yes, all fellows who successfully complete the ATT and YPP programmes will receive a certificate of completion from CERI and IPD. Fellows who successfully complete the MSc or MBA will be awarded degrees from Stellenbosch University.

Q: What happens after the fellowship?

A: Fellows will join the African STARS Alumni Network, gain access to career development opportunities, and receive ongoing mentorship and support in their professional journey. They are encouraged to contribute to scientific leadership and epidemic response efforts in their home countries.


Q: Can I apply if I am currently enrolled in a PhD or Master’s programme?

A: Yes, but you must provide evidence of your ability to complete the fellowship without interfering with your academic commitments.

Q: Can I apply if I am currently employed?

A: Yes, but this is an in-person training programme and trainees will be expected to commit to the full training period. If employed, you will be required to provide evidence that your employer is supportive of you participating in the fellowship without it interfering with your work commitments.

Q: Can I apply if I have previously participated in a Genomics Africa Fellowship or similar programme?

A: Yes, but priority will be given to new applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.

Q: Can I apply to multiple fellowship programs at the same time?

A: It is possible to apply for more than one fellowship at the same time. It is the Fellow’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with conditions of any Fellowships they receive.

Q: Can I work or study while participating in the Fellowship?

A: It may be possible to participate in some of the Fellowship types (e.g., ATT, YPP, MSc, MBA) if you are studying or working. However, all of the fellowships will require some in-person attendance. Hence, it will be the Fellow’s responsibility to obtain the required permission from their University / Employer to be away from their studies or employment to participate in the fellowship. It will not be possible to study or work while completing the MSc degree as it is an in-person, full time degree.

Q: Where will I stay during the Fellowship?

A: Suitable accommodation will be arranged for the duration of the Fellowship.

Q: Can I bring my family with me?

A: It may be possible to bring your family members with you. However, the Fellow would be responsible for all travel, visa and accommodation costs for their family.

Q: Can people with disabilities participate?

A: Yes. Candidates will be asked to indicate if they have a disability on the application. Any information collected on the disability is only for planning purposes to ensure we are equipped to accommodate the specific circumstances.

Q: Do I need to return to my home country after the Fellowship?

A: Yes. Candidates with a strong commitment to remain in Africa following their fellowship will be prioritised.

Q: Who do I contact for further inquiries?

A: For any additional questions, please email starsfellows@sun.ac.za.